Dataset referencing 2012ST10

Phys.Rev. C 85, 065503 (2012)

A.Steyerl, J.M.Pendlebury, C.Kaufman, S.S.Malik, A.M.Desai

Quasielastic scattering in the interaction of ultracold neutrons with a liquid wall and application in a reanalysis of the Mambo I neutron-lifetime experiment

RADIOACTIVITY 1NN(β-); analyzed T1/2 using theory of ultracold and very cold neutron scattering on viscoelastic surface waves up to second-order perturbation theory. Reanalyzed 1989 neutron-lifetime experiment using ultracold neutron storage in a Fomblin-coated vessel by Mampe et al [Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 593 (1989)]; revised the neutron lifetime value from 887.6(30) s to 882.5(21) s. Comparison with other neutron lifetime measurements. Relevance to Standard Model (SM) predictions and the up-down quark mixing coefficient V2ud.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.065503

Matching dataset in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
1 H 1NN B- DECAY:T1/2:XUNDL-10 2014-07 All references

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