Dataset referencing 2011LE45

Phys.Lett. B 705, 47 (2011)

B.Lehnert, K.Zuber

A first search of excited states double beta and double electron capture decays of 110Pd and 102Pd

RADIOACTIVITY 102Pd(2EC), 110Pd(2β-); measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ; deduced T1/2 limits.

doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2011.09.095

Matching datasets in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
102 Ru 102PD 2EC DECAY:T1/2:XUNDL-8 2012-01 All references
110 Cd 110PD 2B- DECAY:T1/2:XUNDL-5 2012-01 All references

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