Dataset referencing 2023TE05

Phys.Rev. C 108, 065804 (2023)

E.Temanson, J.Baker, L.T.Baby, K.Hanselman, P.Hoflich, S.A.Kuvin, G.W.McCann, A.Volya, I.Wiedenhover

Measurement of the 25Al(d, n)26Si reaction and impact on the 25Al(p, γ)26Si reaction rate

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 2H(25Al, n)26Si, E=102 MeV; measured Ep, Ip, p(θ); deduced resonances, exclusive σ for particular states in 26Si. 26Si; deduced proton decay width of the excited states, energies of the excited states, spectroscopic factors. 25Al(p, γ)26Si, T=0.08-0.6 GK; deduced thermal reaction rate, individual resonance contribution to the reaction rate. Comparison to other data from REACLIB database. RESOLUT facility at John D. Fox accelerator laboratory of Florida State University.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.065804

Matching dataset in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
26 Si 2H(25AL,26SI):RES:XUNDL-23 2024-01 All references

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