Dataset referencing 2022HU21

Phys.Rev. C 106, L061301 (2022)

T.Huang, D.Seweryniak, B.B.Back, P.C.Bender, M.P.Carpenter, P.Chowdhury, R.M.Clark, P.A.Copp, X.-T.He, R.D.Herzberg, D.E.M.Hoff, H.Jayatissa, T.L.Khoo, F.G.Kondev, G.Morgan, C.Morse, A.Korichi, T.Lauritsen, C.Muller-Gatermann, D.H.Potterveld, W.Reviol, A.M.Rogers, S.Saha, G.Savard, K.Sharma, S.Stolze, S.Waniganeththi, G.L.Wilson, J.Wu, Y.-F.Xu, S.Zhu

Discovery of the new isotope 251Lr: Impact of the hexacontetrapole deformation on single-proton orbital energies near the Z=100 deformed shell gap

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 203Tl(50Ti, 2n)251Lr, 205Tl(50Ti, 2n)253Lr, E=237 MeV; measured reaction products, α-decay of the reaction products, Eα, Iα. 251,253Lr; deduced levels J, π, α-decay width. 251,253,255Lr; calculated single-proton levels near the Fermi surface. Calculations with particle-number conserving cranked shell model. Beam delivered to target by ATLAS linear accelerator and recoiling reaction products were separated in the Argonne Gas-Filled Analyzer (AGFA) at (ANL). Decay of the implanted reaction products was measured in pixelized double-sided Si strip detector (DSSD).

RADIOACTIVITY 251,253Lr(α)[from 203,205Tl(50Ti, 2n), E=237 MeV]; measured Eα, Iα; deduced T1/2, Q-value, α-decay branchings and widths. Comparison to other experimental data. and predictions of theoretical models.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.L061301

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