Dataset referencing 2019GU31

Phys.Rev. C 100, 054616 (2019)

S.Q.Guo, X.J.Bao, H.F.Zhang, J.Q.Li, N.Wang

Effect of dynamical deformation on the production distribution in multinucleon transfer reactions

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 208Pb(136Xe, X), E(cm)=526, 617, 450 MeV; 198Pt(136Xe, X), E(cm)=643; calculated potential energy surfaces (PES), σ for mass distribution of primary products, cross sections of target-like fragments with Z=78-86 and Z=50-58, production cross sections of the N=126 isotones as a function of the atomic number; deduced influences of dynamical deformation on the PES and the mass distribution of the multi-nucleon transfer (MNT) reactions. Calculations based on the framework of the dinuclear system concept. Comparison with experimental data.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.054616

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11 B 2H(10B,11B):XUNDL-17 2024-03 All references

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