Dataset referencing 2018CH37
D.Chattopadhyay, S.Santra, A.Pal, A.Kundu, K.Ramachandran, R.Tripathi, B.J.Roy, Y.Sawant, B.K.Nayak, A.Saxena, S.Kailas
Resonant breakup of 8Be in 112Sn (7Li, 8Be → 2α) reaction
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 112Sn(7Li, 7Li), (7Li, 8Be), E=30 MeV; measured reaction products p, d, t, α, 6He and 6,7Li, Eα, Iα, αα-coin, differential σ(θ) from α+α breakup of 8Be in proton pickup channel, elastic scattering and transfer channels using double sided silicon strip detector array at the 14-UD Pelletron-Linac TIFR-BARC facility; deduced large angular separation of the α fragments. 8Be; deduced resonances, J, π, widths, σ for α+α sequential breakup of 7Li to 8Be and then to α+α through the 0+, 2+, and 4+ resonances in 8Be. 113Sb, 113Sn; deduced differential σ(θ) for g.s. and excited states through proton and neutron stripping channels. Comparison with CDDC plus CRC calculations using FRESCO code.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.014609