Dataset referencing 2014CH25

Phys.Rev. C 89, 061304 (2014)

Y.Y.Cheng, Y.M.Zhao, A.Arima

Strong correlations of the Garvey-Kelson mass relations

ATOMIC MASSES N=40-160; analyzed odd-even staggering with respect to experimental data from AME-2012; deduced strong correlations in Garvey-Kelson mass relations originating from statistical odd-even feature of the interaction between the last proton and the last neutron in atomic nuclei.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.061304

Matching dataset in XUNDL

Nuclide Dataset Last Revised References
70 Ni 208PB(70ZN,XG):XUNDL-8 2015-04 All references

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