Dataset referencing 2013JU01

Phys.Rev. C 87, 054312 (2013)

E.D.Jurgenson, P.Maris, R.J.Furnstahl, P.Navratil, W.E.Ormand, J.P.Vary

Structure of p-shell nuclei using three-nucleon interactions evolved with the similarity renormalization group

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 3H, 4He, 7Li, 8Be, 10B, 12C; calculated ground-state and low-lying levels, J, π. 7Li, 7Be, 10B; calculated magnetic dipole moments of ground states and low-lying states. No-core full configuration (NCFC) and similarity renormalization group (SRG) ab initio calculations for p-shell nuclei. Assessment of convergence properties, extrapolation techniques, and dependence of energies, including four-body contributions. Comparison with experimental data.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.87.054312

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