Dataset referencing 2011RA27

Phys.Rev. C 84, 034613 (2011)

J.Randrup, P.Moller, A.J.Sierk

Fission-fragment mass distributions from strongly damped shape evolution

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 239Pu(n, F)240Pu, E=8-14 MeV; 234,236U(n, F)235U/236U, E=8-14 MeV; 234U(γ, F)234U, E=8-14 MeV; 222,224,226,228Th(γ, F)222Th/224Th/226Th/228Th, E=8-14 MeV; calculated fission fragment mass and charge yields, comparison with experimental data. Random walks on a five-dimensional potential energy surface within the framework of the Smoluchowski equation of motion.

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 222,224,226,228Th, 240Pu; calculated fission fragment mass and charge distributions. 222Th; calculated contours of three shapes relevant to fission, and the most probable symmetric fragment division in 111Rh isotope.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.034613

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222 Th ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 2023-10 All references

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152 Sm 152EU EC DECAY:13.5 Y:XUNDL-10 2018-01 All references

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