Dataset referencing 2011BO24
Phys.Rev. C 84, 044326 (2011)
H.G.Borner, R.F.Casten, M.Jentschel, P.Mutti, W.Urban, N.V.Zamfir
102Ru: A pivotal nucleus in the A ∼ 100 region
NUCLEAR REACTIONS Ru(n, γ)102Ru, E=thermal; measured Eγ, Doppler shift using Gamma-ray Induced Doppler broadening (GRID) technique using GAMS4 spectrometer. 102Ru; deduced levels, J, π, half-life, B(E2). GRID lifetime technique. Comparison with predictions of vibrational model. N=52-66, Z=38-50; systematics of first 2+ energies and ratio R(4/2) of first 4+ and first 2+ energies.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.044326