Dataset referencing 2003HO16
Phys.Rev. C 68, 034304 (2003)
C.R.Hoffman, S.L.Tabor, M.W.Cooper, T.Baldwin, D.B.Campbell, C.Chandler, K.W.Kemper, J.Pavan, A.Pipidis, M.A.Riley, M.Wiedeking, B.A.Brown
Structure of T=2 24Ne from 14C on 14C
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 14C(14C, α), E=22 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, Eα, γγ-, αγ-coin. 24Ne deduced levels, J, π, configurations. Comparison with shell model predictions, level systematics in neighboring isotopes.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.68.034304